2018 Conference Logistics

[tm_pb_section admin_label=”section”][tm_pb_row admin_label=”row”][tm_pb_column type=”4_4″][tm_pb_accordion admin_label=”Accordion” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] [tm_pb_accordion_item title=”2018 Conference Logistics”]

This committee is responsible for planning the non-programming aspects of the SIPS’ conferences, as well as coordinating with the conference programming committee. We select conference locations, reserve meeting space and hotel rooms, plan social events, and arrange food and beverage for the meetings. We also coordinate meeting volunteers.

[/tm_pb_accordion_item][tm_pb_accordion_item title=”Current Activities and Tasks”]

  • Select location for social event for 2018 meeting in Grand Rapids
  • Plan menus for conference meals and snacks for 2018 meeting
  • Manage meeting registration, including travel waivers and funding

[/tm_pb_accordion_item][tm_pb_accordion_item title=”Committee Chair & Email”]

For more information about this committee, or information about how to get involved, you can contact one of the following people:

Sara Weston (Chair 2018), weston.sara@gmail.com

Katie Corker (Past-Chair, Chair 2017), k.corker@gmail.com

Jack Arnal (Past-Chair, Chair 2017), jarnal@mcdaniel.edu

Anita Eerland (Future Chair, Chair 2019), anita.eerland@gmail.com

[/tm_pb_accordion_item][tm_pb_accordion_item title=”Committee Members”]

Sara Weston

Katie Corker

Jack Arnal

Anita Eerland

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