Collabra: Psychology

Collabra: Psychology is the official journal of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science. Collabra is a mission-driven Open Access (OA) journal from the University of California Press. Collabra shares not only the research it publishes but also the value created by the psychology community during the peer-review process. Collabra: Psychology has 7 sections representing the broad field of psychology, and a highlighted focus area of “Methodology and Research Practice.”

There is no financial relationship between UC Press and SIPS, although UC Press at its discretion can sponsor events or other projects at the society or related to the annual conferences. These responsibilities and relationships are managed by the Publications Committee.


Simine Vazire, University of Melbourne, Australia

Senior Editorial Team

  • Brent Donnellan, Personality Psychology, Michigan State University, USA
  • Norman Farb, Social Psychology, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Andrea Howard, Developmental Psychology, Carleton University, Canada
  • Andrew Perfors, Cognitive Psychology, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Don van Ravenzwaaij, Methodology & Research Practice, University of Groningen, Netherlands
  • Dorota Reis, Organizational Behavior, Saarland University, Germany
  • Thomas L. Rodebaugh, Clinical Psychology, Washington University, USA
  • Elizabeth Tenney, Organizational Behavior, University of Utah, USA
Full editorial board listing