
SIPS 2023 Registration and Call for Submissions Open

SIPS 2023 will be held from June 22-24, 2023 in Padua, Italy. We are excited to gather again in-person and online! The meeting will allow both virtual and in-person participants to fully participate and contribute to the conference.

The aim of the SIPS conference is to generate ideas, goals, and actionable plans to improve psychological science. As usual, the meeting will have a dynamic agenda of very brief presentations, hackathons, open discussions, workshops, social events, and more. Check out this introduction to the SIPS format if you are thinking about joining us for the first time! 

Register today!

Early registration ends April 1, 2023. Register today to reserve your spot. In-person registration is limited to 400 people.

You can also submit funding applications for travel, caregiving, and internet and technology support until March 1, 2023.

Submit sessions!

The proposal submission portal is open now until March 1st, 2023. Decisions will be sent out mid-March.

Submit workshop, hackathon, and unconference sessions

Submit posters, lightning talks, and roundtables

As a note, it is expected that all talks and presentations will be conducted in English.

We look forward to seeing you in Padua or virtually in June!

– SIPS 2023 Programming Committee