The publication committee for the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science is pleased to announce the selection of a new Editor-in-Chief and four new Senior Editors for Collabra: Psychology. Collabra: Psychology is a mission-driven Open Access (OA) journal from the University of California Press that has seven sections representing the broad field of psychology, and a highlighted focus area of “Methodology and Research Practice.” As the official journal of SIPS, Collabra: Psychology supports the principles of Open Science, including a mandatory open data policy (please see our Editorial Policies for full details). In addition, the journal has incorporated innovative policies and procedures including an optional open-review process and a revenue-sharing policy for reviewers.
Simine Vazire, former Senior Editor for Social Psychology, will move to the role of Editor-in-Chief. Joining her on the editorial team will be Yoel Inbar (Senior Editor for Social Psychology), Kevin King (Senior Editor for Clinical Psychology), Amy Perfors (Senior Editor for Cognitive Psychology), and Don van Ravenzwaaij (Senior Editor for Methodology and Research Practice). Benjamin Brown (Senior Editor for Developmental Psychology), Brent Donnellan (Senior Editor for Personality Psychology), and Don Moore (Senior Editor for Organizational Behavior) will remain as senior editors. We also thank former senior editors Victoria Savalei, Jennifer Tackett, and Rolf Zwaan for their service to the journal over the past several years.